Do you wonder if young people even know who Joe Hill is?
Here’s an answer.
Chloe Stewart, Mina Projansky Ono, and Haley Segura chose Joe Hill as their topic for the National History Day contest this year. The national theme for 2015 is Leadership & Legacy.
These Salt Lake City teens interviewed members of the Joe Hill Organizing Committee, played songs of Joe Hill, and provided extensive research notes along with their presentation.
The three won the Salt Lake regional competition in March, and they placed 2nd at the Utah state competition in April.
Now, they are raising funds to go to Washington, DC, for the national contest June 14 – 18, 2015. Help them out if you want to see them win National History with Joe Hill this year.
The wild and rich stories of people and events in union history are attractive to students of all ages. They are the action stories of how ordinary, working-class folks pulled together to gain the rights promised to all. They’re the stories of heroes, some known, some anonymous. They are intriguing stories with many common elements to what we can see in working family lives today. Congratulations to Chloe, Mina, and Haley for showing us an extraordinary part of Utah union history in the centennial year!
Cloe, Mina & Haley!
Congratulations to you three. It´s amazing that young people are interested in things that happened more than a century ago. Joe Hill or Joel Hägglund was my grandfather´s kid brother, so I´m kind of into his story too. Hope you succeed in getting to DC and that you will win there too.
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Rolf Hägglund
Rolf, thank you so much for your message. I forwarded it to the girls to be sure they saw it. ~Lori, Co-chair, Joe Hill Organizing Committee