Gibbs Smith,
1940- 2017
Utah’s historical, artistic, literary and publishing communities lost an important voice with the passing of Gibbs Smith on October 29, 2017. For us in the Joe Hill Committee, he was a mainstay over the past 28 years as we sought to mark the impact Hill had on this state.
As the author of one of the most important studies of the case, Gibbs was sought out frequently for his knowledge as well as for his advice and counsel. He was possessed with a lively amount of intellectual curiosity–a quality in short supply these days. Gibbs always asked good questions, expanded the boundary of knowledge, and tried to see history and art in new ways.
He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
~John Sillito
Ellen Fagg Weist, “Creative publisher Gibbs Smith reinvented Western stories from his Utah barn. 1940-2017 • Influential publisher, writer and artist dies at 77.” Salt Lake Tribune, October 30, 2017.